Lacrosse Video Game

Thank You

L14 Backers,

Thank you so much for the support over the past 32 days. I'm truly honored to be part of such a passionate community.

At the end of the day, this game is going to happen. We will find the investments needed to release a Lacrosse Video Game for PlayStation, Xbox, and the PC.

The Lacrosse 14 Kickstarter has exposed thousands of new people to lacrosse and has opened a ton of new doors... There are so many positives to take from this experience.

Thank you again and please email me at

Talk to you soon,


PS: Make sure to connect with our social media to help push the game forward!

61 hours to go...

L14 Backers,

This is it... We are 61 hours away from the end of the Kickstarter! The goal is within reach if we all get one more person to back the project!

Today's plan of action:

1. Email every sport nut you know. Here is a template you can copy and paste:

Hey pal - Have you seen the new Lacrosse Video Game I'm helping to build? We need 1,000 more preorders by the end of Friday or we can't start developing the game. I thought you might be interested in getting involved with the project. What do you think? I can walk you through it. The last day is Friday so let me know.  

Mustaches in Lacrosse 14

Lacrosse 14 Backers!

Here is a quick video showing you some of the mustaches and facial hair that will be available in Lacrosse 14.

Remember, the Headstrong Foundation is raising funding for cancer research at - It's a great cause that we should all try to get behind.

Next week is our final shot at this! Keep spreading the word! 

Talk to you soon!
