500+ Backers

Lacrosse 14 Team,

Great work guys! We are now 513 strong and have raised $34,752 for Lacrosse 14!

I would like to welcome the new backers to the Lacrosse 14 team! Your financial support and passion for the game will make this project a reality! Please remember to tell everyone you know about the Kickstarter campaign! 

The truth is, 95% of the lax community has heard about Lacrosse 14 and hasn't watched the Kickstarter video! Don't assume people already know! The majority don't!

Today's plan of action:

1. Call/text/message three friends and ask if they have heard about the new lacrosse video game on Kickstarter.

2. When done, comment on the Kickstarter and update everyone on what they said.

This way we can get a sense of how far our reach is and what we need to do keep spreading the word. 

As I have been saying, you 513 amazing individuals drive this campaign and game. If everyone contributes, we will reach our goal and be able to make this incredible lacrosse video game!

With a little bit of effort comes a whole lot of reward! Keep working together to spread our message! The work will pay off! Believe!

27 days : 8 hours

Talk to you soon,


State of the Union #1

Team Lacrosse 14,

Since a lot of you are asking about sponsors, here's a quick update on the progress I have made in the lacrosse industry this week:

  • ESPNU - Spoke with a representative who saw Lacrosse 14 on Polygon. He was very excited about the project and mentioned they would be watching the campaign closely.
  • MLL - Talked with the commissioner of the Major League Lacrosse who also expressed great interest in the project and said they would be watching the Kickstarter to see how things progress.
  • Booker Coorigan - Jumped on a call with Booker to discuss lacrosse and the game. He loves the idea and is all about supporting the project.
  • Salt Shakerz - Talked with the club team Salt Shakerz about getting them featured in the game.
  • Inside Lacrosse - Talked with the founder of Inside Lacrosse who seemed intrigued by the project and wants to hear more.
  • Cascade/Maverik - Spoke with a representative of Cascade who loves the idea and is a huge fan of College Lacrosse 2012!
  • LXM - Have a call scheduled with them next week.

Who am I missing? 

Continue to be respectful in promoting our campaign. You guys rock! 



Today's Challenge: Raise 17.6% - ($36.9k)

Here we go! This is going to be really tough but let's dominate this challenge!

Today's goal is to raise 17.6% of the campaign for a total of $36,960! (Current: $30,532)

That means we need 95.9 new backers to pledge to Lacrosse 14. 

Plan of Action

1. Print this flyer out 10 times and pass it around school/work/lacrosse (#1 priority!!!)

2. Post on 5 Facebook walls about Lacrosse 14. Include a link to - www.laxvideogame.com 

3. Comment and like 3 times on Kickstarter! (We are #3 http://www.kicktraq.com/ !!! ) 

4. Like, comment, share the College Lacrosse Facebook posts. The more activity Facebook sees, the more they promote that post.

We are behind so let's work harder than ever before!

30k Raised!

It's official, $30,277 has been raised for the development of Lacrosse 14!  Great work!

That is a HUGE accomplishment... but let's not pat ourselves on the back too much...

Take a look at this chart:


Lacrosse 14 is trending to $199,828... That is $10,000 less than our goal!

If we don't reach our goal, everyone gets their money back and we can't make Lacrosse 14! Its all or nothing! This is Spartaaaa!

Today and this weekend are vital to the success of our campaign! Tell every player/coach/parent/gamer/human you know! We are trying and going to take lacrosse worldwide through video games!

I'll be posting today's goal here shortly. Its going to be big challenge, so get your mind right now ;)

Talk to you soon!
