New Pledge Levels + 600 Backers!

Hey L14 Backers!

Congrats! We are now 600 strong! That is a huge accomplishment! Awesome job! 

Three quick updates:

1. Do you know any club teams I can contact?  I've significantly lowered the cost of the custom teams... I've also added new pledge levels for siblings.... Comment on what you think!

2. Please message me your mailing address. I printed out 1,500 promotional cards and need help passing them out to potential backers.

3. Text three friends tonight. Ask if they've heard about the Kickstarter! Even if they don't pledge tonight, you planted an egg in their head for when crunch time comes!

We will be successful! The lacrosse gods are on our side!

Talk to you soon,


PS: Keep commenting/liking on Kickstarter and Social Media! We only have 23 more days! The time is going to fly! This is when it's the most difficult. Keep working and believe we will make our goal!

Magic happens at 30%

Want to hear something crazy? "Projects that reach 30% of their funding goal succeed more than 90% of the time..." Kickstarter 

Lacrosse 14 has already reached 18% of the funding goal!

Today's challenge is to reach 19.4% - That is 55 more backers for today!  At that rate, we will reach 30% by Monday of next week!

Text five people and ask if they've heard about Lacrosse 14. Start a conversation. 

Keep up the energy and passion!


P.S. - It's easy to get discouraged and think something is impossible. Let's not get sucked into that mindset... The majority of people will wait until the last 5 days to pledge... Stay positive and keep telling your friends. Believe!

The lacrosse world is watching...

Lacrosse 14 Team,

We have officially raised $36,000 for the development of Lacrosse 14.... All thanks to YOU!


Telling your friends is vital... Recruit ONE new person a day.

Word of mouth is more powerful than you think! Make sure everyone and your grandma knows!

**Projects that reach 30% of their goal have a 90% chance of being successful. We are currently at 17%**

The lacrosse world is watching...


P.S. - You are creating lacrosse history!